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Faith Voices for Jefferson City is a Chapter of Missouri Faith Voices that was formed to improve the quality of life for those most impacted by racial and economic inequities in Jefferson City and throughout Missouri. Our Vision for Jefferson City and beyond includes economic dignity, racial equity, fair access to opportunities for all and inter-faith cooperation among clergy and lay people.  We seek to work toward this vision through prophetic voice and action, faith community collaboration, leadership development, issue education and collective action to positively impact life in Jefferson City and our State.

We seek to live out core values of organizing through discovering, developing and directing the power of people of faith to build a better quality of life in Jefferson City and beyond. As a Chapter of Missouri Faith Voices we are a part of a cooperative, multi-faith, multi-racial movement that works at the intersection of faith and non-partisan political engagement  seeking to transform our community by confronting the systemic barriers that keep working families, the poor, those with disabilities and others from reaching their full God-given potential.

Our work in Jefferson City is focused on voter engagement through registration, education and empowerment, clergy formation and leadership and building authentic relationships with those we are seeking justice with.

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